Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
What is ABA?
Behavior analysis is the scientific study of behavior. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the application of the principles of learning and motivation from behavior analysis, and the procedures and technology derived from those principles resulting in the solution of problems of social significance. Many decades of research have validated treatments based on ABA.
Over the past 40 years, several thousand published research studies have documented the effectiveness of ABA across a wide range of:
Populations (individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities and learning disorders),
Interventionists (parents, teachers, and staff),
Settings (schools, homes, institutions, group homes, hospitals, and business centers), and
Behaviors (language, social, academic, leisure and functional life skills, aggression, self-injury, oppositional, and stereotyped behaviors)
ABA is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree and to demonstrate that the interventions employed are responsible for the improvement in behavior (Baer, Wolf & Risley, 1968; Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, 1991).
What can ABA do for your child?
Increase positive behaviors (e.g., reinforcement procedures to increase on-task behavior or social interactions)
Teach new skills (e.g., systematic instruction and reinforcement procedures to teach functional life skills, communication skills, or social skills)
Maintain constructive behaviors (e.g., teaching self-control and self-monitoring procedures to maintain and generalize job-related social skills)
Generalize or to transfer behavior from one situation or response to another (e.g., from completing assignments in the resource room to performing as well in the mainstream classroom)
Restrict or narrow conditions under which interfering behaviors occur (e.g., modifying the learning environment)
Reduce interfering behaviors (e.g., self-injury or stereotypy).
Balance Family Solutions will provide therapy tailored to your family. We design individualized ABA therapy plans based on your child’s unique needs and interests with dedicated support to help in the areas where you need it most.